What to do After You’ve Been Towed 

When you see the dreaded tow truck taking your car away, your heart sinks. It’s not ideal to be towed because it often brings added costs and a major headache. Unfortunately, if you have never been towed before, it’s easy to be a little unsure how best to proceed. It’s not ideal and it’s easy to panic and make the situation worse. So, what should you do after your vehicle has been towed away? 

What to Do When You’re Towed from a Public Road 

There are a dozen different reasons why your vehicle might be towed on a public road, including overstaying the allotted car parking time. If you are towed, however, you need to contact the local council and find out what you need to do next. For instance, if you have fees to pay, you need to find out how and where to pay them. That is your first port of call. If you see a tow truck Brisbane taking your vehicle, try to take any number down and contact them to find out what you should do next. It’s the simplest way to retrieve your vehicle.  

Act Fast to Avoid Additional Towing Fees 

Let’s be honest, the longer you leave your car in the towing yard, the more it will cost. Remember, it is likely you’ll have a towing fee to pay; however, those costs can spiral if you don’t collect the vehicle. Even if you want to dispute the towing or fee, it’s crucial to retrieve the vehicle. It’s no use in arguing with the tow truck driver either. They are just doing their job and no number of pleas will make a difference. It could make the process far worse; so, let them do the job and dispute the towing later once you have your car back.  

Disputing an Illegal Tow 

If you genuinely believe your vehicle was illegally towed, there are ways to dispute it. You don’t, however, want to leave the vehicle in the tow yard as it’ll increase your costs. Instead, retrieve the vehicle, pay the towing fees, then pursue the matter after. You can sue the tow truck Brisbane company for illegally towing later. It’s the same with private towing; you can dispute the costs at a different time.  

Can a Tow Truck Return a Vehicle? 

Unless you pay for the tow truck Brisbane company to return the vehicle, you’ll have to pick the vehicle up at the storage facility or tow yard. Even if you’re disputing the tow or fees, you will still need to retrieve the vehicle yourself. Of course, some tow truck drivers may take pity on you and leave your vehicle, but it’s very unlikely.  

Act Fast to Stop Towing Fees Increasing 

It’s incredibly frustrating to have your vehicle towed away. It’s a major headache for you and very frustrating, to say the least. Of course, once your vehicle has been towed, you need to contact the appropriate people, such as the local council. You need to retrieve the vehicle, even if you want to dispute the tow, so that you prevent fees from increasing. A tow truck Brisbane can play a crucial role, and they will usually release the vehicle once the fees have been paid.